Multidisciplinary Workshops with Megan Arnold

Learn more about Megan HERE at their website, or follow them on Instagram!

“Megan Arnold (she/they) is a Filipinx-Canadian artist, currently based on Treaty 3 Territory.  They are an artist who wants to make you laugh and cry and cringe. She makes affective performances, videos, pop songs, and drawings that collapse the divisions between humour/pathos, amateurism/mastery, play/labour, and art/entertainment. Megan uses humour as a coping mechanism to deal with anxiety in the face of an impending apocalypse. Much of their practice is rooted in cabaret and bar entertainment, which is the great irony of their life as someone who likes to go to bed at 9pm. Current research interests include performance studies, humour studies, queer theory, and divination.”
In this two-part multidisciplinary workshop, queer-identifying people ages 50+ will respond to the creative prompt "APOCALYPSE", learning how to create something quickly, without the pressures of preciousness, perfectionism, or imposter syndrome, and share it with a group.

The first part of the workshop includes improvisation games, short creative excerise, and deliberation about what the term "APOCALYPSE" means in a queer context.

The second part of the workshop will be a show-and-tell of the responses everyone created over a two-week period. Participants are invited, but not obligated, to share context around the work they created and show it to the group. 

This event has been temporarily postponed. Please follow me on Instagram @judeakrey to stay updated on when this workshop will be taking place!

Thank you to Wyndham Art Supplies for donating materials to this workshop!